Picture this; your home recently went through devastating water damage after your toddler left the bathtub running for an hour. Both levels of your home were affected, but fortunately, you contacted your local SERVPRO to remove all the wet materials throughout the house. On the plus side, SERVPRO has helped you get the most out of your insurance claim through excellent documentation and pictures. 

Now you are sitting there with a home that has missing drywall and flooring materials. You have been referred to RCR because you heard that they provide exceptional work in restoring a home in a way that will be improved than before the water damage occurred. This stage of home restoration is hugely confusing and stressful for any homeowner. The home is not put together, a nightmare for an individual that likes his space to be organized. After much thought, it’s decided that RCR is the construction company for the home restoration job. During the duration of the situation, RCR has communicated effectively on what processes are taking place and has collaborated with you on choosing new materials that would look best in your home. At the end of the project, you and your family are more than happy with the repair work that RCR has performed.  

This scenario is what RCR has done for customers time after time. Home restoration is an extremely stressful process that should only be handled by individuals that care. RCR cares about their homeowners; they treat all of their projects as if they were doing them in their own home.