Know what to expect from the bathroom remodeling process so you can plan accordingly.
You’re interested in redoing your bathroom but don’t know what’s involved in the bathroom remodeling process.
What should you expect? Are there things to include in your plan?
It makes sense to do your research. It’s best to prepare for what’s involved, so you can make plans about what you and your family will do while the remodel is underway.
There might be some questions.
If you’re reading an article about the bathroom remodeling process, I imagine you have some questions.
How much can you use the bathroom while the remodel is taking place?
What is the timeframe for a bathroom remodel?
Hopefully, by the end of this article, these questions will be answered, and you will have clarity moving forward.
Before we get going, let’s talk a little bit about some common misconceptions regarding a bathroom remodel.
Common Misconceptions
- You have to have a big budget. A bathroom remodel CAN be expensive, but doesn’t have to be. Set your budget first, then work within that constraint.
- Your bathroom isn’t big enough for a remodel. This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. While a larger space would allow for something like a standalone tub, a large amount of space isn’t required for a remodel.
- It isn’t worth the investment. The bathroom and the kitchen are the two most excellent places to renovate, from time spent in these two locations and the associated increase in home value.
The Bathroom Remodeling Process.

Outlining the plan is the first step in the bathroom remodeling process.
The initial stages include contacting your remodel specialist and coming up with an initial plan using your constraints. This step is where your budget comes in handy! Then the products need to be ordered. During these stages, you’ll still have access to your existing bathroom.
The remodel begins with the demolition of the old bathroom. Expect 2-4 people to be involved, and from this point forward, you won’t have access to your bathroom. On average, this should be anywhere from 5-8 working days, depending on the job’s scope. This number can vary widely.
Then, inspections and the installation of the underlying skeleton (think piping, electrical, and HVAC). The bathroom takes shape from there. Finally, the installation of needed drywall, tile, and vanity, followed by smaller fixtures like the toilet and lights.
This article does a great job of outlining the bathroom remodeling process from start to finish.
Three things you need to know.
- Prepare for setbacks. While some contractors would love to tell you they can get the job done within an exact time frame, the reality is that there are all sorts of unforeseen issues that can set back a project. Mold issues or structural problems from water damage are the most common and can disrupt even the most conservative schedule. Plus, what if you want to make a change to the remodel plan?
- Accept that people will be in your space. Let’s assume you’re interested in renovating your master bathroom. Be prepared to have people walking through your bedroom while the process is underway. No other way to get to the master bathroom!
- Understand the bathroom will be off-limits. There isn’t much of a bathroom to use after the demolition. You will be told by your contractor how long you will need to stay out of the bathroom. Feel free to ask for status updates as the job progresses.

You won’t be able to use the bathroom after demolition.
One final thing to consider.
There’s never a perfect time of the year to go through the bathroom remodeling process. Say you want to wait until you’re on vacation to get the work done, so you minimize the amount of time you are without a bathroom. What happens if there are unexpected issues? Will you feel comfortable answering questions from afar?
Typical remodels take longer than a weekend, so there will be times you have to get ready for work without your bathroom available.
The only recommendation is to get it done as soon as possible. The faster you start, the quicker the bathroom remodeling process is complete, and you are enjoying your new, upgraded space.Now that you know what to expect, call Revere Construction and Roofing to schedule your free estimate if you’re in the Atlanta metro area. We’d love to get involved in your project, and are looking forward to your call!